About This Site
I started Extreme Pumpkins because carving pumpkins is something I enjoy, yet most of the pumpkin carving websites were not to my tastes. I decided to make a pumpkin carving site that included shocking, funny, and gross pumpkin designs. The concept is about adults having fun during the halloween season.
This site does include sponsor links for my company at the bottom of each page, but it is doubtful that it will be profitable. Instead, it is just a fun website that I put together with the help of some friends.
Special Thanks to:
Lisa - My lovely bride
Matt - My drinking buddy
Rob Cockerham - Creative genius
Jill, Allyson, Barb, Jackie, Teon and Gabby - Photogenic friends
The folks at Penguin Publishing and Quirk Packaging that helped put together my books.
If you want to be a part of the Extreme Pumpkins thing, why not e-mail me photos of your pumpkin? If it is good enough to post, you'll be a contest winner in this year's contest. I have some free stuff to give away to contest winners.
I have had some request for interviews with a pumpkin carver or articles about pumpkin carving. I will be very happy to help anyone writing or filming anything to do with pumpkin carving. If you would like some personal attention for an article or show, send an e-mail with the word "Press" in the subject line. I also do paid appearances, see the "how to hire me" page below. Thanks.